Centrally Speaking

January 26, 2024

Welcome to 2024!

A new year is a great opportunity to ask ourselves: where do I want to be a year from now? As we instill in our students, starting with the end in mind—Habit 2 in our SOAR Leadership Program—urges us to set clear goals and keep our priorities, or “big rocks,” in focus. Goals are our compass, giving life purpose and a sense of direction.

Each year at Central Lee High School, we establish goals for both the school and our students. Our student SOAR team established the goal that at least 80 percent of students will participate in a leadership learning opportunity weekly. Leadership skills are crucial for social, employability, and personal growth. We take specific actions every week to reach our goals, and while we are making good progress, we recognize the potential for improvement.

Fostering individual growth is a focus of our work at Central Lee High School. Our aim is to see students graduate with not just academic readiness, but also the social, emotional, and problem-solving skills necessary for their roles in society. To achieve this, we continuously analyze data to guide us in improving our school's culture and addressing individual student needs.


To address our culture and climate goals, we conduct purposeful activities on our SOAR days, which primarily take place on early-out, half-days. Attendance on these days is both mandatory and essential for cultivating a positive school culture and nurturing relationships. Missing these days means missing lessons and activities essential for an enriched school experience.

Tuesday, January 16

We held our last SOAR day—our second semester kickoff—on Tuesday, January 16. It was a full-day SOAR on a late-start day due to weather, with five student-led lessons in the morning and a dodgeball tournament in the afternoon. Groups of SOAR Leadership students planned and presented lessons around the highest-need areas: improving student-to-adult relationships and student-to-student relationships, increasing resilience, reviewing the rules of classroom engagement, and making safety, especially while driving, a priority. 

There was fun sprinkled throughout the day, including popcorn and prizes—not to mention the annual presentation of the dodgeball team trophy!

We take the work we do related to culture and climate at Central Lee very seriously. Thank you for supporting our efforts and ensuring your student is in attendance on these days. Your student’s emotional and mental wellness in the school setting matters to us, and we strive to help them learn skills that will guide them on a successful path through adulthood.