School Board
For Students
For Staff
Central Lee Elementary School
Central Lee Middle School
Central Lee High School
The links at the bottom of this page are designed to create better communication with our district patrons about the availability and usage of our school facilities. By clicking on these links you can navigate to the different facilities. Each facility will consist of monthly calendars showing already scheduled events as well as availability.
There is a place on each facility link to email Tina Cale (High School) and Lauren Steffensmeier (Middle School Gym and K-8 Multi-purpose room) to request a date and time for an event. Tina or Lauren will then email back to inform if the request was granted or not. School sponsored events will take precedence over non-school sponsored events in the scheduling process.
Non-school sponsored events will be scheduled on a first come-first serve basis for a month at a time. The 16th of each month will be designated as the first day to schedule events for the following month. For example, January 16th would be the first date a non-school sponsored event could be scheduled for the month of February.
This procedure allows for all patrons and events to have a chance to use the facilities. The Central Lee School District hopes this “Gym Calendar” link will help keep the communication lines open between the school and the public as well as make scheduling events easier and more convenient for everyone. Please know, the district reserves the right to cancel your reservation if a school sponsored event or practice needs the facility regardless of advanced reservation. We will work hard to limit these situations.
For more detailed information about reserving district facility space, you can see our board policy below. Any individual seeking district facility use for business or profit entities, need to contact the district Superintendent.
Facility Use Policy
Choose a facility link below to check availability and to submit a facility reservation request:
New Central Lee High School Gymnasium
Old Central Lee High School Gymnasium
Central Lee Middle School Gymnasium
Elementary Multi-Purpose Room