Centrally Speaking

Library Updates

K-8 Library

In our increasingly digital world, Central Lee is committed to adapting and meeting the evolving needs of our students. One exciting initiative to address this change is the introduction of computer science education for our K-5 students. When students participate in computer science as their weekly special, they experience two days of library skills, one day of guidance with Guidance Counselor Mrs. Wells, and two days of computer science skills.

Library lessons at Central Lee vary to cater to the unique needs and abilities of students at different grade levels. Kindergarten students learn how to check out books, properly care for them, explore the different parts of a book, and most importantly, develop a passion for reading. First grade students not only learn to take care of their books and check them out, but also engage in reading responses to showcase their comprehension.

In the second grade, students continue to build on their book handling skills. They also learn the responsibility of due dates and late fines. Currently, we're collaborating with the second grade team to implement a genre study to enhance their reading experience. Third through fifth grade students are learning more advanced library skills. They become familiar with due date responsibilities, late fines, learn how to navigate the Dewey Decimal System, and practice conducting research.

On designated computer science days, our students engage in a dynamic blend of plugged and unplugged lessons. Plugged lessons involve the use of iPads, while unplugged lessons encourage students to develop computer science skills through hands-on activities, often in collaboration with peers. The unplugged lessons are designed to prepare students for their plugged lessons. Computer science lessons are structured around five fundamental areas: computing systems, networks and internet, data analysis, algorithms and programming, and the impacts of computing. Each area is tailored to different grade levels and challenges students to problem-solve and engage in critical thinking.


The students and I are enjoying our time together, engaging in mutual learning and growth. Students are demonstrating their creativity through their projects, and they have come to understand the value of communication and problem-solving when identifying and resolving issues, or “bugs,” in their projects. We are excited about the opportunities that computer science integration offers our students at Central Lee!

High School Library 

The High School Library is thriving in full swing this year! Students are actively engaging with our extensive collection of books, from the latest releases for leisure reading to timeless classics essential for their coursework. Each year, it's a delight to showcase the new additions and speculate on which ones will become new favorites. The enthusiasm students exhibit when sharing their love for a new book or author discovered in our High School Library is very exciting.

Contrary to common misconceptions about libraries, our High School Library is far from a dull place. On any given day, you'll find students engaged in various activities, including participating in Southeastern Community College online classes, searching for captivating books, borrowing laptops, receiving reminders to charge their iPads or bring them from home, taking tests, and collaborating in small groups. Many students frequent the library to make the most of the PBIS Rewards program offered by the SOAR team. In the "Hawk Shop," students can exchange their earned points for a wide range of items. These points are awarded for exemplary behavior, active class participation, and additional tasks completed for teachers and staff. The rewards span from 2 points for a pencil to 1000 points for a kayak! Students can track their progress toward these special items on their iPads through the PBIS app. The anticipation among students is palpable when they hear about new additions to the shop. You never know what surprises the SOAR Team has in store.

Another valuable resource within our High School Library is the Central Lee Cares Closet. Any student can access essential items they may have forgotten at home or those that might not be readily available at home for various reasons. On a bookshelf in the library, you'll find bags containing toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, and body wash, ready to be of assistance. Students can also reach out to me at my desk or through school email to share their specific needs. The items in the Care Closet are made possible through generous donations and the proceeds from the sale of Friday Fun Day Rice Krispie Treats. If you wish to contribute, please don't hesitate to contact me via email, and I'll gladly provide you with a list of the most needed items.

We are committed to making the High School Library a dynamic, welcoming space where students can not only explore their literary interests but also find support and resources for their educational journey.