Centrally Speaking

Exciting Developments in Writing Curriculum!

Recently, Central Lee Elementary’s kindergarten teachers participated in a professional development day alongside our occupational therapist. The highlight of the day was the introduction of a new writing curriculum called "Path of Movement," specifically designed for preschool and kindergarten use.

Path of Movement places a strong emphasis on directionality in writing, a crucial skill for our young learners. The teachers were enthusiastic about incorporating this innovative curriculum into their classrooms to enhance the writing skills of our students.

To keep parents in the loop, the kindergarten teachers shared valuable insights into the Path of Movement language during parent-teacher conferences and our Parent SOAR night. Parents were encouraged to embrace this language at home, actively engaging with their children to practice correct letter formation. This collaborative effort between teachers and parents aims to prevent the development of any unfavorable writing habits.

For your convenience, we have attached the Path of Movement language guide for upper case letters. We believe that by working together, we can foster a supportive learning environment both in the classroom and at home.

Thank you for your continued partnership in shaping the educational journey of our kindergarten students!