K8 Art

K8 Art

Central Lee K-6 art students have been busy exploring a variety of artistic mediums throughout the year, showcasing their creativity and skills. From painting and printmaking to working with clay and paper collage, our students have delved into a wide range of artistic expressions.

Currently, we are wrapping up an engaging ceramics unit, where students have had the opportunity to work with clay and create unique three-dimensional pieces. This hands-on experience not only enhances their artistic abilities, but also encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Throughout the year, we have observed a variety of themes and styles emerging in the students' work. From vibrant abstract paintings to intricate printmaking designs, each piece reflects the individuality and creativity of our young artists. This diverse exploration of mediums and themes not only enriches our art program but also fosters a deep appreciation for the arts among our students.

I am proud of the dedication and enthusiasm our students have shown in their artistic endeavors, and look forward to seeing their continued growth and creativity in the future.